The Soul Medicine podcast unites the healing arts and modern science to provide tools and practices to revolutionize your life. Join Liz Nerland - an inspirational medium, Reiki master, yoga teacher and former registered nurse - as she shares meditations, interviews, love notes, sacred teachings and workshop recordings to support you in expanding your consciousness, connecting to Source and co-creating a beautiful life.
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
What Keeps You Stuck & How to Break Free
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
In my work as a reiki master teacher, I have a gift of reading patterns, collecting information and being able to bring through transformative information..
"Your path towards growth appears to be..."
When I nail it - when I really hit on something that a person needs to change in order to get the healing or manifestation they're deeply desiring, it is usually met with..
"Ya, but..."
"I know, but..."
"but, but, but..."
Most people, when faced with the choice of transformation, automatically respond by justifying all the reasons they should stay exactly the same.
In this podcast episode, I riff on what it means to stay stuck, and what is required to break free.
#reikimaster #reikiteacher #transformationcoach #metamorphosis #change
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Is your period trying to tell you something?
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
In this episode I share a rather personal story of going through amenorrhea for two years during university. This issue was completely dismissed an unimportant in my medical care, and really it was a precursor to a rapid decline in my health.
Women, our cycles are our fifth vital sign. They carry so much information about the state of our health and physiology. By learning to align with our natural rhythms, we empower ourselves to utilize our physiology to enhance our health, fitness, business and relationships. Ignoring our rhythms can lead to struggle and burn out.
Recommended reading if this topic interests you:
With the Flo Alissa Vitti
Do Less Kate Northrup
Recommended Womb Priestess for 1:1 work, retreats and group sessions, Shae Savage (www.shaesavage.com, and on Instagram @shae_savage_)
Interested in an upcoming day retreat where I host Shae Savage for a 2 hour Awaken the Womb workshop? This is happening April 22, 2022 in Squamish BC, 10am-2pm, and it is an amazing unique opportunity to gather in a small private group for womb wisdom and soul nourishment. Details and online registration here: https://soulmedicineyoga.mykajabi.com/womb-workshop
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Spring Musings
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
When we learn that our lives, like our physical world, move through seasons, there is an ease in our suffering. Spring always returns... I repeat, Spring always returns. Aligning with the energetics and promise of Spring can bring us through some of our hardest times.
As the days get longer, warmer and more colorful, take a moment to reflect on what is ready to bloom in your own life. What areas do you want to focus on and consciously plant seeds. What aspects of winter are you ready to release so that you may rise?
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Chakra 7 Sahasrara Chakra
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
Tuesday Apr 05, 2022
An exploration of chakra 7, sahasrara chakra.
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Ajna Chakra (6th Chakra)
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
"The Sanskrit name of this chakra is ajna, which originally meant “to perceive,” and later “to command.” This speaks to the two-fold nature of this chakra – to take in images from which we command our reality, commonly known as creative visualization. To hold an image in our mind increases the possibility that it will materialize.”
Anodea Judith
The essence of the sixth chakra, or brow chakra, is the gift of seeing. This gift refers both to the actual observing of the world around us, and to seeing what lies beneath, between and below the physical. As Anodea Judith beautifully puts it, “through seeing we have both a means of internalizing the outer world, and a symbolic language for externalizing the inner world.”
Themes explored in this chakra: seeing, intuition, perception, command, clairvoyance, light, pineal gland, Om
Key words: third eye, brow, chakra, ajna, clairvoyance, chakras, chakra therapy, chakra healing, energy healing, healing arts, heal thy self, energy medicine, reiki, reiki healing, reiki master, reiki master teacher
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Visuddha Chakra (5th Chakra)
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
“Sound...rhythm...vibration...words. Powerful rulers of our lives, we take these things for granted. Using them, responding to them, creating them anew each day, we are the subjects of rhythm upon rhythm, endlessly interweaving the fabric of experience. From the first cries of a newborn child to the harmonies of a symphony, we are immersed in an infinite web of communication.”
- Anodea Judith
Moving into the fifth chakra, visuddha, we begin to move into the very subtle energetic realm. We are entering the top three chakras, which share the theme of unity, and lack the boundaries and separateness that characterize the lower chakras. The element associated with this chakra is ether, which represents the world of vibration. The ethereal realm is associated with Spirit – the vibration of life inside of you and all around you. Meaning purification, the visuddha chakra requires mental and physical purification to sense into this very subtle field, and in working with this energy center, through sound, mantra and breathing practices, we purify our minds and bodies to further enhance our abilities to sense into the less dense planes of existence.
The visuddha chakra is our center of communication. Communication is so integral to our lives; we can easily take it for granted. Our ability to communicate our vision, inspiration and ideas to others is an important step in manifestation. The insights and inspiration gained through our connection to the subtle realms of Spirit can only begin to be brought into the world if we can communicate them. The throat chakra is a medium that supports the transition of ideas into reality. It mediates between what is abstract – the concepts in our minds – and what is concrete. As such, our communication both shapes our reality and creates our future.
Themes we explore in this episode: communication, purification, truth, sound, vibration, resonance, Spirit, telepathy.
Key words - chakra, chakras, chakra therapy, chakra healing, reiki, reiki master, reiki master teacher, reiki healing, energy healing, healing arts, self healing, energy body, energetics, prana, ki, chi
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Anahata Chakra (4th Chakra)
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
Thursday Dec 02, 2021
m the active fiery solar plexus, we are thrust into a new and different realm. From the realms of the body and manifestation, we move into the softer touch of spirit. From the focus on the self and its desires and actions, we embrace a larger pattern, and dance our small part within the greater web of relationships. We transcend our ego, and grow toward something greater, deeper, stronger. As we reach for the heavens, we expand.”
Anodea Judith
As we rise in our ascent up the chakras, we continue to move into more subtle realms. This movement to the fourth chakra of the heart is a big jump from the ego-centric nature of the lower chakras. Once we have met our human needs – safety, pleasure, passion and willpower –and we are no longer distracted with merely surviving, our energy and awareness is free to move into the more spiritual realms, and our focus on self begins to soften as we expand our awareness to all that is.
Themes we explore in this episode include: unconditional love, breath, softness, balance, expansion, unity.
Key words - chakras, chakra healing, heart, anahata, reiki, reiki master, reiki master teacher, heal thyself, self healing, healing, wellness, energy medicine, love, unconditional love.
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Manipura Chakra (3rd Chakra)
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Explore the manipura (third) chakra. This is our power center, and is largely tied in to the theme of will. I discuss the difference between free will and will power, and the importance of living with a Vision. We explore themes including - will, power, force, empowerment, vision, drive, fire, heat and warmth. As with all of the chakras in this series we will explore the manifestation of a balanced, excessive and deficient manipura chakra, along with balancing practices for each.
Key Words: manipura, manipura chakra, chakras, third chakra, energy healing, energy medicine, energetic anatomy, will power, will, free will, vision, empowerment, fire, transformation, create, manifestation, manifest
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Svadhisthana Chakra (2nd Chakra)
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
This episode continues our journey up the chakras. Today we explore the second chakra, known as the svadhisthana. We discuss major themes - pleasure, polarity, flow, creativity, sexuality, Divine feminine, moon, water - and discuss how blockages and balances in this chakra manifest in the real world. I then suggest balancing practices for any blockages you may experience.
Key words: chakra, svadhisthana, second chakra, energy healing, wheels of life, energy healer, reiki, reiki healing, reiki master, energy medicine, duality, polarity, unity, creativity, sexuality, pleasure, pain, creation, divine feminine, shakti, shiva
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Muladhara Chakra (First Chakra)
Monday Nov 29, 2021
Monday Nov 29, 2021
This podcast episode kicks off an exploration of the chakras. Understanding the chakras is essential for light workers and energy healers, as they shed light into what is causing upheaval in a person's life. A chakra can be balanced or blocked. A blocked chakra may have excessive energy or may be deficient - and these blocks will manifest in various ways.
In this episode we explore the major themes of the first chakra, and I discuss how a deficient and excessive root (manipura) chakra may manifest in one's life, as well as suggest balancing practices.
Key words - chakra, energy center, manifest, muladhara, lam, energy medicine, healing, red, root, rooted, ground, grounded, grounding, tether, reiki, reiki master, reiki healing, reiki energy