The Soul Medicine podcast unites the healing arts and modern science to provide tools and practices to revolutionize your life. Join Liz Nerland - an inspirational medium, Reiki master, yoga teacher and former registered nurse - as she shares meditations, interviews, love notes, sacred teachings and workshop recordings to support you in expanding your consciousness, connecting to Source and co-creating a beautiful life.

Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Prayer - 2 New Insights
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Tuesday Apr 04, 2023
Apologies for the sound quality - my mic was not connecting properly to my computer.
In this episode I share two insights i pulled from Marianne Williamson's book, A Return to Love (based on her interpretation of A Course in Miracles).
The first insight is this - pray for a shift in perception. Let go of trying to control outcomes. We don't even know what will make us happy, so instead of praying for the outcome that you think leads to happiness, pray for a shift in perception that will move you into a state of happiness (or whatever it is that you seek).
The second insight is this - let prayer be a way of life instead of a response to turmoil. Marianne Williamson brilliantly suggests we live in the realm of the answer instead of constantly returning to the realm of the problem.

Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Holding the Tension in Motherhood with Shae Savage
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
Tuesday Mar 21, 2023
In this episode, I am joined by Kundalini priestess and ceremonialist, Shae Savage. We explore motherhood, and dive into the dark and wild experience of being rebirthed into motherhood that is seldom talked about in our culture.
Connect with Shae on instagram (@shae_savage_) or hop on over to her website to check out upcoming opportunities to work with her.

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Into the Chrysalis - Conscious Transformation Episode 3
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Episode 2
Link to Purchase "Into the Chrysalis" program - use coupon code "soulmedicine" to save $200! Lifetime access to the Soul Medicine library included as special gift!
This is the third episode in a free mini-series on conscious transformation.
In this episode I discuss the biology of habit and introduce Joe Dispenzas formula for change.
#joedispenza #drjoedispenza #manifesting #consciouscreation #manifest #create #neuroscience #breakingthehabitofbeingyourself #supernatural #youaretheplacebo #guidedmeditation

Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Into the Chrysalis - Conscious Transformation Mini Series Episode 2
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Tuesday Mar 14, 2023
Episode 2
Link to Purchase "Into the Chrysalis" program - use coupon code "soulmedicine" to save $200! Lifetime access to the Soul Medicine library included as special gift!
This is the second episode in a free mini-series on conscious transformation.
In this episode I discuss living with purpose, on purpose.
You have unique gifts, talents and abilities that are meant to be mobilized in service of the greater good. Your deepest happiness and fulfillment come from serving according to your soul purpose.
#joedispenza #drjoedispenza #manifesting #consciouscreation #manifest #create #neuroscience #breakingthehabitofbeingyourself #supernatural #youaretheplacebo #guidedmeditation

Monday Mar 13, 2023
Into the Chrysalis - Conscious Transformation Mini-series Episode 1
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Link to Purchase "Into the Chrysalis" program - use coupon code "soulmedicine" to save $200! Lifetime access to the Soul Medicine library included as special gift!
This is the first episode in a free mini-series on conscious transformation.
In this episode I discuss the inspiration I have taken from the work of Dr.Joe Dispenza.
We explore the concepts of reclaiming our truth, being proactive (inspired by the work of Dr Stephen Covey), and managing our nervous systems.
You have the opportunity to take full responsibility for the quality of your life. You have the power to master your inner world such that you influence the outer world in a positive and intentional way, instead of feeling like a victim to the circumstances of your life. The ability to choose how to respond to life is called free will, and it is the birth right of every human being. We ALL have the gift of free will – however most of us rarely use it. Instead, we default to patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving that we’ve been programmed into (some of these patterns we inherited, others we created through repetition or intense emotional experiences like trauma).
The good news – everything you require to live an extraordinary life is already inside of you. And in this course we will explore ways to consciously re-program our unconscious patterning so that the thoughts, emotions and behaviors we desire become natural, effortless and automatic.
In this first class, the key take-home message is that you are the programmer of your life. Regardless of what has transpired in your past, from the moment you choose to take responsibility for your happiness and fulfillment, you will have the power to script your future – to choose the thoughts, emotions and behaviors that will define you.
Stephen Covey’s first habit of highly effective living (and business) is to be proactive. Being proactive is much more than simply taking initiative. Being proactive means taking full responsibility for your life. The opposite of being proactive is being reactive – reactive people blame their inner world (how they feel) on their outer world (circumstance). How they feel becomes a product of their environment, and they relinquish power over their lives because they cannot control all circumstances.
“Being proactive means you carry your own weather with you. Your circumstances do NOT define your response. When our lives are a function of conditioning and conditions, it is because we have, by conscious decision or by default, chosen to empower those things to control us. In making such a choice, we become reactive. Reactive people are often affected by their physical environment. If the weather is good, they feel good. If it isn’t, it affects their attitude and their performance.
Reactive people are also affected by their social environment, by the “social weather.” When people treat them well, they feel well; when people don’t, they become defensive or protective. Reactive people build their emotional lives around the behavior of others, empowering the weaknesses of other people to control them. They are driven by feelings, by circumstances, by conditions, by their environment. Proactive people are driven by values — carefully thought about, selected and internalized values. Dr. Covey teaches that we all have a space between stimulus and response and it is in that very space that our greatest gift – the freedom to choose – can be found. So the next time the weather looks bad – the physical weather or the social weather – will you curse it and allow it to ruin your day, or will you choose a good response to it? Or as my mother used to say, will you make lemonade from lemons?”
- Stephen Covey
If you believe, even just a little bit, that you are responsible for your own happiness in life, you can no longer blame circumstances or people for your feelings. This does not mean that you are always happy – that is unrealistic and even harmful to expect. What it means is that the emotions you make habitual are the ones you consciously choose. Emotions do not just happen to us – they are the end product of thoughts we entertain (more on the biology of this process in class 2). We choose our emotions, whether consciously or unconsciously, by the thoughts we think. If you can become more aware of and intentional about your thoughts, you can master your emotional and energetic life.
- What are the values and principles that you wish to align your life with?
- Start to become aware of the "old program." What thoughts, beliefs and actions are undermining your health and happiness? What do you want to shift?
- Ask loved ones to help give clarity on strengths, as well as areas of self-sabotage.
#joedispenza #drjoedispenza #manifesting #consciouscreation #manifest #create #neuroscience #breakingthehabitofbeingyourself #supernatural #youaretheplacebo #guidedmeditation

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tending and Toning the Pelvic Diaphragm After Baby with Suzi Zobrist
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023

Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Joe Dispenza inspired guided meditation
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
Tuesday Feb 28, 2023
This guided meditation is inspired by the work of Dr Joe Dispenza.
Expand your awareness beyond your body, and you merge with infinite space and possiblity. Plan the seeds of your vision in a sea of endless possibilities, as you shift from survival to creation.
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Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Reiki - Purist or Innovator? What is best practice?
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Tuesday Feb 21, 2023
Link to Reiki Course
Link to Instagram
One of the biggest things I want to impress on my reiki students is this – open to Source, and trust what comes through you, even if it doesn’t look or sound like what comes through others. Even if it doesn’t look or sound like what is written in the text books. And I think I impress this so deeply because it was not my reality for the first almost-decade of my reiki practice.
Tradition. Doing things the way they were done in the past. Walking in the steps of the people who came before us. Is there value in this? Yes. But it’s only as valuable as it is effective.
Let’s set aside the fact that there are conflicting accounts of how Usui actually practiced – did he touch or not? Did
I can’t help but wonder would Dr Usui practice in the same way – same techniques, same processes, same approach today as he used in the late 1800s and early 1900s? I would venture to guess that he wouldn’t because the North Americans of today are an entirely different being than the Japanese people of the 1800s. We are facving different kind of crises – working with different tone of nervous system, different toxins and global crises, over fed, chemicals - and I believe it needs a new approach.
When you look at the teachings, the second pillar (learned in reiki 2) is Reiji-Ho and is a method of placing the hands in a prayer position and asking for guidance. This is the ultimate practice in reiki – to attune yourself to Ki, Spirit, Prana, Chi – and let it move through you and guide you. It means that when practiced correctly, you set aside your thinking mind and allow yourself to be a vessel of the Divine.
Now I don’t take this idea of straying from traditional paths lightly, I have deeply contemplated it. It’s not for everyone. There are purists out there and that works best for them – I am not disputing that. I am however just exploring the idea. The other day I was purchasing a book from a spiritual shop called reiki shamanism – I hadn’t seen anyone specifically marry these practices so I was curious about it. When I went to pay, the man behind the till commented that he is a purist and doesn’t think it’s a good idea to cross paths, and to just pull from different lines. He pointed out how Yogananada broke from tradition to come to the West and teach tens of thousands of people the practice of yoga. He ntoed that Yogananda’s teacher had taught numerous ascended masters while yogananada didn’t guide any of his followers to that level. But I personally don’t think that the goal of a spiritual teacher is neccesarily total liberation. Maybe some of us are here to simply guide people towards less suffering and more love. Maybe it’s just to ease the burden of suffering enough to get people back on the spiritual path… maybe that is a win too. Not everyone is here in this lifetime in pursuit of total liberation.
Here is an example – in traditional reiki there is a technique whereby the practitioner holds his or her hand above a single point to remove poison. You are supposed to hold this point for 30 minutes. You need a very specific client to be able to find mental and physical rest for 30 minutes. Most people I see are living full lives with jobs and families and deadlines and anxiety and monkey mind. If I just stand there for 30 minutes holding one spot, most of them will spend that 30 minutes lost in thought and struggling. Likewise, the people following Yogananada’s teacher need to live a very specific lifestyle in order to follow the teachings precisely.
I’m not saying there is not value in purist teachings. But I do think that we need a variety of options for a variety of students and practitioners. For me personally, I am going to strive to meet the unique needs of the person infront of me at that particular moment in time, and allow myself to be guided by Spirit, rather than commit myself to follow the steps laid out by someone else over 100 years ago – likely errors in recording and then errors in translation.
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Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Is There Room for God In Reiki?
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Tuesday Feb 14, 2023
Link to Reiki Training
Link to Instagram
Is there room for God in Reiki?
Yessssss. While we generally think of reiki as a system of energy healing, it is first and foremost a spiritual practice. Ki refers to universal life force – also known as chi prana Spirit Christ Consciousness, quantum field, the One, Creator/Source. A successful reiki practitioner is not the source of Ki, they are the channel. So an effective reiki practitioner succeeds by softening all the ways we grip on to oru ego, soften our attempts to control and take action and actually LET GOD MOVE THROUGH US.
A common follow up question is ‘do the practitioner and client need to have the same beliefs?”
I believe that the practitioner needs to have some concept of a Higher Power because the whole system is built on channeling this universal energy. If you don’t open to a higher power you are immediately limited to you as a human and let me tell you the wow factor from that is limited at best! Not only will this person likely burn out TRYING really hard but the power of reiki is in channeling something BEYOND ourselves. The more we can empty ourselves of ourselves and open to something Divine, the more powerful the session and experience will be for both. The grace of God may override an atheist practitioner but working cocoreatively will be most effective.
As far as the client – a good reiki practitioner can achieve powerful results even if the client is an atheist, because a well trained and experienced practitioner will be able to support a recalibration of the clients nervous system, moving them out of stress and into renewal – do this with touch, guided breath, guided meditation or NSDR to calm a jumpy mind… sheparding into a state of deep relaxation. In this state of relaxation they may be receptive to the grace they experience, maybe don’t even have a name for it and that’s ok.
As far as having the same beliefs, well this comes down to needs and preferences of the two people involved. For me personally, I will use whatever terms/names resonate w the client for their session, and I use my own terminology for my own sessions.
The way I see it, I don’t worry about agreeing on how to say the word son (soleil, sol, zon), I’m more interested in guiding someone to feel it’s warmth on their skin. In a world desperate for more connection to Source, Creator to God, I personally am not going to waste time on semantics and philosophy. If you connect to the God of your unique understanding and you live rooted in values of love, kindness and servitude, then I’m gonna give you a huge high five and cheer you on as your spread that light in the world… I’m not going to convince you that my terms are better than yours.
Saying that, I think it also lands that some people will use very specific terms for God as they understand it and they wll be unwaivering in their terminology… their practice will be there to serve whoever resonates with that, and it is not for people who don’t. If you have a really strong Christian faith, bring Jesus into your session, and invite your client to do the same. Others may resonate with a female goddess and their practice is to serve others in the same beliefs.
Some people say well how do you know you’re working with God, what if it’s evil forces at work? First, I think people can feel the difference between what is Divine and what is Evil. If you are connected to divine you are going to feel hopeful, sense of rest/faith, expansiveness, a LOVE that pulls you beyond ordinary perception. If you are working with evil you will feel fear, contracted, separation and hate.
Second, first pillar of reiki is to start each session in prayer – invoke energy of Ki and guide client to do the same.
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Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Guided Non Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR, yoga nidra)
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
This episode is a guided meditation offering, referred to by Andrew Huberman as Non sleep deep rest. This is a form of yoga nidra. Use it to manage stress, to fall asleep and to shift your physiology from survival to renewal.
Through repetition, this practice will allow you to gain inner mastery over your mind and nervous system, recalibrating your body and mind, and developing confidence in your ability to respond to stress in your life.
#guidedmeditation #yoganidra #nonsleepdeeprest #NSDR #reiki #reikimaster #reikiteacher #psychicreiki #healing #energyhealing #healthyself #stress #stressmanagement #emotionalregulation #reikicourse #onlinereikicourse #reikimasterteacher